
Thursday, September 10, 2020

One point perspective

 Kia roa Everybody! Today the realise team came over and I was with Caroline. We did one point perspective and this is my picture.


  1. Hello Addison
    I love your pitcher of like a pari what gave you the inspo to draw this? I love all the little detales you have add. Mybe be next time you could add somthing about how you did it and what you need just a heads up for next time. Great time I could not even do that. How long did it take to draw?
    From Angel-Mey@yaldhusrt

  2. Hi Addison
    I like your picture, looks fun.
    Maybe you could edit it and correct Kia roa to Kia ora

  3. Hi Addison you are a very good drawer i like drawing to do you like drawing. i like this drawing because i like bridges. maybe next time color it in.


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