
Friday, September 25, 2020

My insect Inquiry


Hello, we chose this because we made some options we could choose from, there was clay insects and rock art we liked both. We started by having trouble but it started to get easier. My fact said the number of insects spieses in the world is six to ten million.


  1. Hi Addison
    Great Post
    I like your post becuase you have lots if great infomation to tell about incets. Which one did you like the best? Why did you do this activity and did you do it with someone as a buddy? Which was the other actives that you could chose from?

  2. Hi Addison
    Great Post
    I like your post becuase you have lots if great infomation to tell about incets. Which one did you like the best? Why did you do this activity and did you do it with someone as a buddy? Which was the other actives that you could chose from?

  3. Hi Addison, nice post.
    Next time make sure you add in some more information
    and use some punctuation.
    Well done over all it was a great post.

  4. Hi Addison
    like the post
    you did a great job but maybe next time
    you could say what you did like what insect

  5. Hi Addison I really like your story about My insect Inquiry. But maybe next time you could put a picture of the rocks in your story but good job and keep up the good work.


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