
Friday, August 28, 2020

My poem


Dusk is fat, he is a champion eater.

His eyes are as blue as the sea.

His breath smells like hot dogs and lots of other rotten food.

He moves so sluggish that his nickname is snail.

His hand feels like disgusting sweat.

Dusk carys a hotdog in one hand and a burger in the other.

He speaks in a really low voice.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Addison!
    My name is Paige form yaldhurst school!
    I love this poem and am I really proud of you!
    This brought me back to when I made a poem for my mother and it was similar to this hear!
    Next time you could try describe more about this poem.
    You could try make it a little longer!
    I bet when you are my age you will be writing poems and your poem will be better than kids older than you!



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