
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Bridge and the Red Fairy

Hi, I’m Cayley and this is my friend Shimer. She is a fairy. Once I wanted to look in the lego block so I asked Shimer if she could shrink me before she shrunk me i saw a red fairy I’ve heard about red fairies in a book there very mean . After Shimer shunk me I went to take a little look at the red fairy.

When we got there the red fairy grew into the regala size and said, “I will let you look in there ha ha ha and don't you dare go into my pocket.”

I did not know what she meant but then I did. She put us in one of the lego blocks. It was blue.

“Ummm Shimer can you grow me again?”

“No can do, sorry Cayley.”

“Oh, oh!”

5 hours later.

“Ugh, we got to make a plan. Shimer do you still have battery for the heat spell?”


“Cool ok so lego melts in heat so you could spray the lego and we would be out.”

“Ok I’m ready.”

“Yes we did it.”

“Yaaay. I can't believe it.”

“Ok now we have to fix the bridge. I got some plastic but what are we going to do about the red fairy.”

“I know we can look in her pocket. But ... Oh good idea.” So we went to go and look in her pocket.

“I see dark purple lickwid, what could that do?”


“ What Shimer?”

“That can make fairies disappear.”


So we made the red fairy disappear and fixed the bridge. the end

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