
Thursday, December 5, 2019

My Bridge

The first thing me,Skyla,Abby,Harry,James,Eden and Jukah did was get a big box, I did that. And then Eden found a little green box and got a cardboard cutter. She cut a big hole but we didn’t like it so Eden cut an arch way, kind of like a doorway but with no door. And then she did the same on both sides of the big cardboard box. I found a long big strip of cardboard and stuck it on the big hole in the box well Abby,James and Harry made legs. And then Harry drilled plastic drills to secure the green box on the big box. Helen asked us how will the guinea pigs know where to go Harry suggested an arrow Helen was surprised James suggested food. We just made an arrow. Me,Skyla,Harry and James cut upside down triangles. And then Me and Eden stuck the legs on. We had a feu problems but then it was ok. And then we tested it I can’t believe how they went for some reason they did not want to get out of our bridge. They did not want to go in the open space ones because they did not know where to go. They most likely liked the dark and tight ones because they felt safe. The end

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