
Friday, October 16, 2020

Tarantula Report


Hairy Tarantulas:

They belong to a group called Araneae.

The Hairy tarantula is the largest and hairiest spider in the world.

Shades of brown, black and blue are most commonly found.

With its legs spread out, the Goliath Birdeater is 11 inches (28 cm) They have retractable (comes in and out) claws on each leg, like cats. 

Tarantulas are quite docile and rarely bite people.

They eat insects, It pounces out at night and gets it with its fangs.

Texas brown tarantulas clock their best running speeds at higher temperatures.

Tarantulas dig burrows and use silk to keep the walls from caving in. They are found in southwestern states.


  1. Kia ora Addison I'm Brayden from Yaldhurst Model School and I just want to say this is awesome I am a big spider fan and I just learnt about the texas spider. So thanks for telling me did you know there are 45,000 spiders in the world and did you know this bring me back to the time where I was in Australia I got bitten by a tarantula and i had to go to hospital and that was scary thanks for sharing this and thanks for showing me from Brayden.

  2. Hello Addison. I like this report because there are lots of facts and information about the Tarantula. Great job. Why did you write about a tarantula?

  3. Hi Addison
    This post becuase it has lots of infomation about Tarantulas and I don't know that much about Spiders so this post is very Cool. The facts you have used are really good but maybe next time you could add some more about what it likes to do or play with. Where did you gte the infomtion from did you search it our did you get it some other way? Do you like Tarantulas? Have you felt one before?
    From Zoe


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