
Friday, July 24, 2020

The ninja

Once there was a teenage boy called Spencer, he was a secret nanja. He was playing a video game but then his mum told him to clean his room. As he did his mum was cleaning the controller of the video game. An electric bolt flew out of it. She shrugged her shoulders and walked away. When he was finished he grabbed the controller and glitched in the game. There was a Massive lava monster coming his way, he gasped and noticed that he actually had a sword in one hand and a bomb in the other. He threw the bomb at the monster but it did not do anything but make him bigger and stronger, there was a massive buff arm above his head that said 20+. He hugged the nasty monster and it died. THE END      


  1. Kia Ora Addison, What a cool story. I really enjoyed the fact that Spencer glitched into the game, I enjoyed movies like that when I was a child. Have you seen any movies with a storyline like this?

  2. Yes i actually have but it was a youtube video! did you know that my brother is actually called Spencer too!!


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