
Monday, July 20, 2020

The bus to town

I was super excited as I got in line for the bus trip. It was about 11.15 when I got on the bus. Spencer and my Dad came to. The bus is very loud, it sounded like a train. Once we got to town we went to Wendy's, Me and Spencer had a kids meal that had a cheese burger and fries and dad had a diffrent meal. After that we went to the nail salon, I got blue as the sea nails and green as grass nails repeated. Then we went back on the bus and went home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Addison, I love how you have described the noisey bus....they can sound like trains sometimes. How cool going to a nail salon to get your nails done! Did you take a photo of them? Perhaps you could add a picture if you have one. Great writing.


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