
Thursday, June 4, 2020



  1. Hi Addison, I have just looked at this dance on Ambers blog. It is very cool, well done. Do you think you three girls work well as a team?

  2. that was great hi I am brayden from Yaldhurst model school next time have more information

  3. Hi Addison, I am Connor from Yaldhurst Model School.
    The dance was great maybe you could do it all at the same timing.
    Was it fun?

  4. Hi Addison. I like your guys' dance. You could say how you made it and how long it took to make it.

  5. Hi Addison my name is Alexis from Rawhiti School where you a from.It was a little silly but i like it so much that it is amazing. I think you should add more information about your dance from Alexis

  6. Hi Addison my name is Alexis from Rawhiti School. Where are you a from? It was a little silly but I like it so much that it is amazing. I think you should add more information about your dance from Alexis


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