
Friday, May 22, 2020

Our Group's Dance

My Group's Dance

This is our dance. We love it. I hope you do too. It's called AAAN dance because we all start with an A or N. we got advise from sharon we will improve:) we will improve timing, paying attention, planing it before starting and not being scared. 


  1. Hi Addison, I really like the song you chose because it has such a catchy tune. I am wondering who chose the moves for the dance? Next time something you could work on is making sure that everyone knows the moves they are going to make and to try to practise more so everyone is doing the move at the same time.

  2. Kia Ora Addison,
    That is so cool, you all did very well to create these dance moves. I agree with Urmi to work on your timing but aside from that, what a grreat job you have done!! Well done.

  3. kia ora Addison I really loved your dance because it was so cool and love the song.but next time you could do your dance in time to the song and in time with each other

    1. Hello Jade i agree,me and Alexis is very out timed and we were talking a little but everything else is great. Amber did such a good job. thank you for commeting.

  4. hi addison I like your dance but maybe you should try it on the flor

  5. KIa ora,I'm Zara from Yaldhurst Model School.
    I like the way you used chairs and included everyone. This reminded me of when I looked at someone eleses blog and watched them dance with music. Next time you could do less talking in the video.

  6. Hi Addison I am Riley from Yaldhurst Model School, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LLOOVVEE LIAR it is a really good song. I love this song because of all of the moves. You brought me back to when I did a dance with my friends but we sung DANCE MONKEY. Maybe next time to improve you could try not to talk. bye bye

    from Riley L

  7. Hi Addison i am from Yaldhurst Model School.
    I love your dance & I love the muisc. I like your moves. Did you know that dancing is a sport. How did you come up with the dance routine.


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