
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Ant Man And The Railroad

Ant man was in the huge woods looking for a very important ring that belonged to one or the meanest person in the universe, no really he was from a planet called Opell. The forest was scary, it was full of light grey mist, annoying buzzing insects flying around your head, if you are a girl in is lady bugs and if you are a boy its flys and there was spongy moss dominating everything. 

There was a railway but not just an ordinary railway, a magic railway! when the train rides on it, it goes a rose gold! and wands shot out of it and when you touch one of the wands you turn to a wizard!
 You can only go on the train if you are a wizard and the wizard at the biggest tree (witch is were the train stops) says you are a good person.


  1. Hi Addison, I think this is a really nice concept, and reminds me of the superhero, ant man. And the book, the hobbit.

    I didn't really understand it. Its kind of like a mixed universe.
    I didn't get what the boy, fly and the girl ladybug thing.

  2. hi Addison its me Samuel I like your story the only thing was I didn't get
    ant man and the magic railway maybe you can make ant man with the wasp! his sidekick plz plz!! make part 2 plz bye see ya later bye.


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