
Thursday, June 4, 2020

My penguin

This is my penguin, I made him out of my foot and hand.


  1. Wow Addison, this is very creative, using your feet and hand shapes to create something. You have a great imagination. Can you think of anything else you are able to make out of these shapes?

    1. Maybe, I was thinking about a seagal:)

    2. Oooo, that would be cool too.

  2. hi Addison i love your penguin i love the eyes on it and the beak i wood love if you did rainbow some were on the penguin bye bff

  3. Hi my name is Ava from Yaldhurst Model School.I like your penguin it looks really cool. maybe next time you could tell us about the brought me back to when I made a dog out of paper
    FROM Ava

  4. Kia ora Addison I am Bella from Yaldhurst Model School. I love that penguin you made it with your hand for the arm. I love it how you choose to make it.
    Did you make this out of cardboard?


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