
Monday, June 15, 2020

my jack and the bean stork desine

Me and Greta are doing Monday mashup and we chose Technology. we are doing jack in the bean stork. we have to make a parachute, jack is going to be made out of a wooden peg and the egg. this is the plan. we were planning to weave, but Greta doesn't fell happy about weaving so i'm going to weave and she is going to make a basket out of 5 square pieces of cardboard. thank you for reading my blog post!!!! :)   and i had so much trouble making the weaving box! :):):):)
 here is our tools and materials we used! :):):)


  1. Hi Addison, what a cool parachute design you two have made!! I really like the idea of weaving the basket. How are you going with building it so far?

  2. Hi Addison, I really like your planning image you have shared on your blog. I can see you and Greta have thought about your plan. Its great team work deciding what you both can do for the project. Great work.

  3. hi Addison I really like that design and the tools that you are using maybe next time you should put more information in your description

  4. Hi Addison.
    I like the way you have made a parachute with your friends, it is cool. The facts you have used are really good, i like them becuase you have a lot of infomation on your post and it is good. How did you make it becuase i like the idea of it and maybe want to try? Did you find all of the tools and materials in your class our did you get some from home? Zoe


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