
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Koala Picture

                                   Do you like my koala drawing?


  1. I do like it, Addison! Did you draw this by copying something, or did you just picture a koala bear in your mind? I know you are very good at writing so I am wondering if you are going to write a story involving a koala to go with your picture? I will keep an eye out!

  2. Well done! Your koala has a very cute face! I would like to read a story about your koala too. Nice work!

  3. Great job Addison, you have done a fabulous job on your koala drawing. I love the big nose and big ears! Nice to see you are keeping busy and practising all those art skills during lockdown. I wonder what you will draw next?

  4. Hi Addison. I love your picture, especially the shading. We should do art like this when we get back to school. Keep practising>

  5. hey add a you at youer dad's house and i miss you so much

  6. Hi Addison I really like your koala.But next you shied use white paper become I can't really see the koala body

  7. Hi Addison i like your koala how long did take you for to draw the koala? Next time you could make the body so we can see it Bye.

    Bella M yaldhurst model school.

    1. The koala took about a few minutes. i will definitely make another koala one that you can see:)


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